
”After the Suicide” har blitt short listed og fått utmerkelsen ”Highly Commended” i den prestisjetunge BMA Medical Book Awards 2012. 


Det er uvanlig at en oversatt norsk bok utmerker seg i den prestisjetunge BMA Medical Book Awards. Oversettelsen av den norske boken "Etter selvmordet – veien videre" : "After the Suicide: Helping the Bereaved to Find a Path from Grief to Recovery", skrevet av Kari Dyregrov, Einar Plyhn og Gudrun Dieserud ble short listed til den britiske legeforeningens BMA Medical Book Awards.

Under prisutdelingen den 13. September 2012 fikk boka utmerkelsen "Highly Commended". Det er meget sjelden at norske bøker blir trukket ut til å være med i kappløpet og finalen i BMA Medical Book Awards. 

Boken er en oversettelse av ”Etter Selvmordet – veien videre” som kom ut i 2010 på Abstrakt forlag. En svensk utgave av boken lanseres på en stor konferanse i Stockholm i den 25. oktober.

Juryens omtale av boka:

After the Suicide: Helping the Bereaved to Find a Path from Grief to Recovery.

Kari Dyregrov, Einar Plyhn and Gudrun Dieserud – Jessica Kingsley Publishers, October 2011 ISBN: 9781849052115

Those who have been bereaved by suicide, including counsellors, bereavement support workers, social workers, and psychologists.

Drawing on the testimonies of suicide survivors and research into suicide bereavement, this book provides those working with the bereaved with the knowledge and guidance they need. It covers common grief and crisis reactions, including those specific to children and young people, how suicide bereavement differs from other forms of bereavement, and how others have coped and 
been supported. It also addresses how the bereaved can move on, including advice on support networks including friends, family, professionals and other bereaved people. This is the translated edition of a Norwegian book about understanding and helping the bereaved after suicide. It covers common reactions to suicide, how to understand suicide, forms of bereavement specifically related to suicide, common reactions among children and adolescents and how they 
can be supported, and how to move forward after suicide, including chapters on peer and professional support. This book fills a gap as it involves working with the bereaved after suicide from both a personal and professional perspective. The book combines the professional expertise of Kari and Gudrun with personal perspectives supplied by a broad range of suicide survivors, including the book’s co-author Einar Plyhn.

After the Suicide is packed to the brim with an outpouring of useful and important information to help those bereaved by suicide deal with the many challenges confronting them afterwards: planning a funeral and memorial service, gaining assistance and support from significant others (whose help may be crucial during early loss days when survivors often feel immobilised to act on their own); finding appropriate peer support resources and creating new and meaningful post-loss goals. With its bountiful information, the suicide bereaved will periodically want to revisit this book, with its ever-so-helpful guidance for better managing the suicide bereavement experience. Caregivers, too, will be grateful for the availability of this indispensable resource.”